
No flashing!

Eons ago, I purchased my first SLR - a Nikon N70. I was so proud of it! But I realized that the body didn't come with a flash so I immediately ran out and purchased an SD-something-or-other. About 37 seconds after the flash entered my home, I found the flash on the camera body and felt quite stupid. I had every intent to return that flash and get my money back but never got around to it.

Here it is, at least 4 years later. I now have a D50. I do not have the money to be running around buy camera accessories willy-nilly while my husband is in school full time and I need to support our two small children.

Suddenly, I remember that flash! I should be practicing catch lights! I pull it out and slam it onto my fab D50.

It. Won't. Work!

I can't even get a decent price for it on eBay. They're selling for about $26 now. Nice.

So, no flashing around here! Wah!!

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